Unlike terrestrial crops, algae do not require fertile soil or arable land for growth, thus expanding the areas of the country in which algae can be cultivated. Algo will target countries with an abundance of non-arable land for production expansion. By only expanding fuel production on non-arable, brownfield land - Algo will not be in competition with global human food production.
Algae sequester carbon dioxide naturally. Algae replicates the photosynthesis process of trees, but instead of "consuming" carbon like trees, algae “absorbs” the carbon by producing more algae. Per every 1000 litres of clean fuel, our algae absorbs 2.2 MT of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This reduces the total carbon lifecycle of our clean fuels by up to 96% vs fossil fuels.
Algae grows 20–30 times faster than any food crops. This speed of growth allows Algo to quickly grow our algae commercially at scale. Under the correct climatic conditions, the high speed of growth helps Algo to produce fuels at commercial scale.
Algae contains 30 times more lipid (oil) than the nearest food crop.
This makes the productive efficiency of algae 30 times higher than the next best food-crops used for biofuels (e.g. soy, corn or sugarcane).
Algae grows quickly on bio-waste products such as manure or animal excrete. Bio-waste is nutrient rich and the algae uses the nitrates and phosphates in the waste to accelerate cell growth. This function enables Algo to produce waste-to-energy products.
Algo Fuels
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